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Financial regulation, financial globalization, and the synchronization of economic activity
Kalemli-Özcan, Şebnem; Papaioannou, Elias; Peydró, José-Luis
Includes supplementary materials: Internet appendix for “Value and momentum everywhere”
We analyze the impact of financial globalization on business cycle synchronization using a proprietary database on banks’ international exposure for industrialized countries during 1978 to 2006. Theory makes ambiguous predictions and identification has been elusive due to lack of bilateral time‐varying financial linkages data. In contrast to conventional wisdom and previous empirical studies, we identify a strong negative effect of banking integration on output synchronization, conditional on global shocks and country‐pair heterogeneity. Similarly, we show divergent economic activity due to higher integration using an exogenous de‐jure measure of integration based on financial regulations that harmonized EU markets.
-Banking Integration
This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Kalemli‐Özcan S, Papaioannou E, Peydró J-L. Financial regulation, financial globalization, and the synchronization of economic activity. J Financ. 2013 Jun;68(3):1179-228, which has been published in final form at This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions.
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Baskaya, Yusuf Soner; Di Giovanni, Julian; Kalemli-Özcan, Şebnem; Peydró, José-Luis; Ulu, Mehmet Fatih
Ciccone, Antonio; Papaioannou, Elias
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Ciccone, Antonio; Papaioannou, Elias