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On the duality between retinex and image dehazing
Galdran, Adrian; Bria, Alessandro; Álvarez-Gila, Aitor; Vazquez-Corral, Javier; Bertalmío, Marcelo
-Image color analysis
-Task analysis
-Atmospheric modeling
-Computer vision
-Computational modeling
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Objecte de conferència
Article - Versió acceptada
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

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Vazquez-Corral, Javier; Zamir, Syed Waqas; Galdran, Adrian; Pardo, David; Bertalmío, Marcelo
Galdran, Adrian; Vazquez-Corral, Javier; Pardo, David; Bertalmío, Marcelo
Galdran, Adrian; Vazquez-Corral, Javier; Pardo, David; Bertalmío, Marcelo
Galdran, Adrian; Vazquez-Corral, Javier; Pardo, David; Bertalmío, Marcelo
Zamir, Syed Waqas; Vazquez-Corral, Javier; Bertalmío, Marcelo