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Evaluating polymer-supported isothiourea catalysis in industrially-preferable solvents for the acylative kinetic resolution of secondary and tertiary heterocyclic alcohols in batch and flow
Guha, Nitul Ranjan; Neyyappadath, Rifahath M.; Greenhalgh, Mark D.; Chisholm, Ross; Smith, Samuel M.; McEvoy, Megan L.; Young, Claire M.; Rodríguez-Escrich, Carles; Pericàs, Miquel A.; Hähner, Georg; Smith, Andrew D.
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4537 p.
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Neyyappadath, Rifahath Mon; Chisholm, Ross; Greenhalg, Mark D.; Rodríguez-Escrich, Carles; Pericàs, Miquel A.; Hähner, Georg; Smith, Andrew D.
Biosca, Maria; Margalef, Jèssica; Caldentey, Xisco; Besora, Maria; Rodríguez-Escrich, Carles; Saltó, Joan; Cambeiro, Xacobe C.; Maseras, Feliu; Pàmies, Oscar; Diéguez, Montserrat; Pericàs, Miquel A.