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Polyphenol Levels Are Inversely Correlated with Body Weight and Obesity in an Elderly Population after 5 Years of Follow Up (The Randomised PREDIMED Study)
Guo, Xiaohui; Tresserra i Rimbau, Anna; Estruch Riba, Ramon; Martínez-González, Miguel Ángel, 1957-; Medina Remón, Alexander; Fitó Colomer, Montserrat; Corella Piquer, Dolores; Salas Salvadó, Jordi; Puy Portillo, Maria; Moreno Aznárez, Juan José; Pi Sunyer, Xavier; Lamuela Raventós, Rosa Ma.
Overweight and obesity have been steadily increasing in recent years and currently represent a serious threat to public health. Few human studies have investigated the relationship between polyphenol intake and body weight. Our aim was to assess the relationship between urinary polyphenol levels and body weight. A cross-sectional study was performed with 573 participants from the PREDIMED (Prevención con Dieta Mediterránea) trial (ISRCTN35739639). Total polyphenol levels were measured by a reliable biomarker, total urinary polyphenol excretion (TPE), determined by the Folin-Ciocalteu method in urine samples. Participants were categorized into five groups according to their TPE at the fifth year. Multiple linear regression models were used to assess the relationships between TPE and obesity parameters; body weight (BW), body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), and waist-to-height ratio (WHtR). After a five years follow up, significant inverse correlations were observed between TPE at the 5th year and BW (β = −1.004; 95% CI: −1.634 to −0.375, p = 0.002), BMI (β = −0.320; 95% CI: −0.541 to −0.098, p = 0.005), WC (β = −0.742; 95% CI: −1.326 to −0.158, p = 0.013), and WHtR (β = −0.408; 95% CI: −0.788 to −0.028, p = 0.036) after adjustments for potential confounders. To conclude, a greater polyphenol intake may thus contribute to reducing body weight in elderly people at high cardiovascular risk.
cc-by (c) Guo, Xiaohui et al., 2017
Article - Published version

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Guo, Xiaohui; Tresserra i Rimbau, Anna; Estruch Riba, Ramon; Martínez-González, Miguel Ángel, 1957-; Medina Remón, Alexander; Fitó Colomer, Montserrat; Corella Piquer, Dolores; Salas Salvadó, Jordi; Puy Portillo, Maria; Moreno Aznárez, Juan José; Pi Sunyer, Xavier; Lamuela Raventós, Rosa Ma.
Guo, Xiaohui; Tresserra i Rimbau, Anna; Estruch Riba, Ramon; Martínez-González, Miguel Ángel, 1957-; Medina Remón, Alexander; Castañer, Olga; Corella Piquer, Dolores; Salas Salvadó, Jordi; Lamuela Raventós, Rosa Ma.
Guo, Xiaohui; Tresserra i Rimbau, Anna; Estruch Riba, Ramon; Martínez-González, Miguel Ángel, 1957-; Medina Remón, Alexander; Castañer, Olga; Corella Piquer, Dolores; Salas Salvadó, Jordi; Lamuela Raventós, Rosa Ma.
Tresserra i Rimbau, Anna; Medina Remón, Alexander; Lamuela Raventós, Rosa Ma.; Bulló, Mònica; Salas Salvadó, Jordi; Corella Piquer, Dolores; Fitó Colomer, Montserrat; Gea, Alfredo; Gómez-Gracia, E.; Lapetra, José; Arós, Fernando; Fiol Sala, Miguel; Ros Rahola, Emilio; Serra Majem, Lluís; Pintó Sala, Xavier; Muñoz, Miguel Ángel; Estruch Riba, Ramon
Tresserra i Rimbau, Anna; Medina Remón, Alexander; Lamuela Raventós, Rosa Ma.; Bulló, Mònica; Salas Salvadó, Jordi; Corella Piquer, Dolores; Fitó Colomer, Montserrat; Gea, Alfredo; Gómez-Gracia, E.; Lapetra, José; Arós, Fernando; Fiol Sala, Miguel; Ros Rahola, Emilio; Serra Majem, Lluís; Pintó Sala, Xavier; Muñoz, Miguel Ángel; Estruch Riba, Ramon


