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Network modules uncover mechanisms of skeletal muscle dysfunction in COPD patients
Tényi, Ákos; Cano Franco, Isaac; Marabita, Francesco; Kiani, Narsis A.; Kalko, Susana; Barreiro, Esther; Atauri Carulla, Ramón de; Cascante i Serratosa, Marta; Gomez Cabrero, David; Roca Torrent, Josep
BACKGROUND: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients often show skeletal muscle dysfunction that has a prominent negative impact on prognosis. The study aims to further explore underlying mechanisms of skeletal muscle dysfunction as a characteristic systemic effect of COPD, potentially modifiable with preventive interventions (i.e. muscle training). The research analyzes network module associated pathways and evaluates the findings using independent measurements. METHODS: We characterized the transcriptionally active network modules of interacting proteins in the vastus lateralis of COPD patients (n = 15, FEV1 46 ± 12% pred, age 68 ± 7 years) and healthy sedentary controls (n = 12, age 65 ± 9 years), at rest and after an 8-week endurance training program. Network modules were functionally evaluated using experimental data derived from the same study groups. RESULTS: At baseline, we identified four COPD specific network modules indicating abnormalities in creatinine metabolism, calcium homeostasis, oxidative stress and inflammatory responses, showing statistically significant associations with exercise capacity (VO2 peak, Watts peak, BODE index and blood lactate levels) (P < 0.05 each), but not with lung function (FEV1). Training-induced network modules displayed marked differences between COPD and controls. Healthy subjects specific training adaptations were significantly associated with cell bioenergetics (P < 0.05) which, in turn, showed strong relationships with training-induced plasma metabolomic changes; whereas, effects of training in COPD were constrained to muscle remodeling. CONCLUSION: In summary, altered muscle bioenergetics appears as the most striking finding, potentially driving other abnormal skeletal muscle responses. Trial registration The study was based on a retrospectively registered trial (May 2017), identifier: NCT03169270.
-Malalties pulmonars obstructives cròniques
-Expressió gènica
-Malalties musculars
-Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases
-Gene expression
-Muscular Diseases
cc-by (c) Tényi, Ákos et al., 2018
Article - Published version
BioMed Central

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Tényi, Ákos; Cano Franco, Isaac; Marabita, Francesco; Kiani, Narsis; Kalko, Susana; Barreiro, Esther; Atauri Carulla, Ramón de; Cascante i Serratosa, Marta; Gomez Cabrero, David; Roca Torrent, Josep
Tényi, Ákos; Cano Franco, Isaac; Marabita, Francesco; Kiani, Narsis; Kalko, Susana; Barreiro, Esther; Atauri Carulla, Ramón de; Cascante i Serratosa, Marta; Gomez Cabrero, David; Roca Torrent, Josep
Gomez Cabrero, David; Menche, Jörg; Cano Franco, Isaac; Abugessaisa, Imad; Huertas Migueláñez, M. Mercedes; Tenyi, Akos; Marín de Mas, Igor Bartolomé; Kiani, Narsis A.; Marabita, Francesco; Falciani, Francesco; Burrowes, Kelly; Maier, Dieter; Wagner, P. D. (Peter D.); Selivanov, Vitaly A.; Cascante i Serratosa, Marta; Roca Torrent, Josep; Barabási, Albert László; Tegnér, Jesper
Gomez Cabrero, David; Menche, Jörg; Cano Franco, Isaac; Abugessaisa, Imad; Huertas Migueláñez, M. Mercedes; Tenyi, Akos; Marín de Mas, Igor Bartolomé; Kiani, Narsis A.; Marabita, Francesco; Falciani, Francesco; Burrowes, Kelly; Maier, Dieter; Wagner, P. D. (Peter D.); Selivanov, Vitaly A.; Cascante i Serratosa, Marta; Roca Torrent, Josep; Barabási, Albert László; Tegnér, Jesper
Roca Torrent, Josep; Vargas, Claudia; Cano Franco, Isaac; Selivanov, Vitaly A.; Barreiro, Esther; Maier, Dieter; Falciani, Francesco; Wagner, P. D. (Peter D.); Cascante i Serratosa, Marta; García Aymerich, Judith; Kalko, Susana; Marín de Mas, Igor Bartolomé; Tegnér, Jesper; Escarrabill Sanglas, Joan; Agustí García-Navarro, Àlvar; Gomez Cabrero, David; Synergy‐COPD consortium


