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Asymmetric [4+2] Annulation Reactions Catalyzed by a Robust, Immobilized Isothiourea
Wang, Shoulei; Izquierdo, Javier; Rodríguez-Escrich, Carles; Pericàs, Miquel A.
A polystyrene-supported isothiourea (1a) behaves as a highly efficient organocatalyst in a variety of formal [4 + 2] cycloaddition reactions. The catalytic system has proven to be highly versatile, leading to six-membered heterocycles and spiro-heterocycles bearing an oxindole moiety in high yields and very high enantioselectivities (32 examples, including the previously unreported oxindole spiropyranopyrazolones 8; 97% mean ee). The notable chemical stability of 1a under operation conditions results in high recyclability (11 cycles, accumulated TON of 76.8) and allows the implementation of an extended-operation continuous flow process (no decrease in yield or ee after 18 h).
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2780 p.
Artículo - Borrador
ACS Catal.

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