Publicacions UdG


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Recent Submissions

Thió i Fernández de Henestrosa, Santiago; Daunis i Estadella, Josep; Universitat de Girona. Departament d'Informàtica i Matemàtica Aplicada
Vicente i Rufí, Joan; Carreras Simó, Miquel; Rigall i Torrent, Ricard
Soler Masó, Pere; Fullana Noell, Judit; Muñoz Mella, Glòria; Pallisera, Maria; Planas, Anna; Vilà Mancebo, Antoni; Vilà Suñé, Montserrat; Universitat de Girona. Institut de Recerca Educativa
Baqué, Gemma; Carbó, Gemma; Martinell, Alfons; Universitat de Girona. Càtedra Unesco de Polítiques Culturals i Cooperació

Universitat de Girona Facultat de Lletres 

The University of Girona is a public institution devoted to excellence in teaching and research and to participating in the progress and development of society through the creation, transmission, dissemination and criticism of knowledge related to the sciences, technology, the humanities, the social sciences and the arts. The University of Girona, deeply rooted in Catalonia and Catalan culture, is one of the primary economic and cultural motors of the region. At the same time, it pursues a vocation of universality and openness to all traditions and cultures. The University, located in the city of Girona, is a part of the Catalan public university system.



